Clear, Accurate Answers to Complex Financial Questions
Cunningham CPA Forensic Accounting Services help answer complex financial questions related to commercial controversy, bankruptcy, divorce and tax matters. We also conduct financial investigations.
What We Do
Cunningham prepares and presents expert opinions regarding economic damages, valuation questions, and “but for” analysis. We can rebut the work of others when they make errors.
We handle a variety of bankruptcy related assignments helping clients evaluate solvency, prepare relevant schedules and tax returns during bankruptcy, and conduct other work approved by the Bankruptcy Court
Cunningham helps divorcing parties find equitable and tax smart ways to divide property and determine support. Cunningham can help mediate the financial aspects of divorce to reduce conflict and narrow litigation..
Investigations & Compliance
Sometimes things just don’t look right – payments or revenue are missing, vendors or subcontracts are unpaid, or costs are far over budget. Call us, we can help you get it sorted out.
Licensed CPA authorized to practice in every state
Certificate in Forensic Accounting from the AICPA
Mediation Course and AAA Course work
MBA, Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania
Bachelor of Science, Construction, Georgia Tech, with Highest Honors
“Big Firm” experience at PwC and Arthur Andersen
Deposition and live testimony experience with both bench and jury trials
Member AICPA, Tax and Forensic Sections